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I find the level design very clever. The idea that the ball can grow bigger or smaller is good ! It's just too bad there's no music or sounds :( Otherwise, I really enjoyed playing this game. Good job =D

About the music, I've often tried in the past (it didn't ended well :),and for the sounds... I'd say I've been a bit lazy :D

But anyway thank you for playing (っ •ω•)っ

Probably ask a sound designer
Most of these folks are happy to do something for a cool game like yours (me included :) )

I also liked the level design.
The beginning was a bit difficult concerning timing (those first gaps) but I ended up with a lot of "wtf this is cool" moments in the end.
Especially the ending was really great imo
Really well done ^^

Thank you :) (
Next time I'll call you for the soundtrack ;))))))))))