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A member registered May 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you =D Oxalotte did a great job!

J'adore, tu as vraiment eu une bonne idée =D Tu tiens un bon concept que tu pourrais continuer à améliorer en changeant les musiques et en rajoutant des boutons. Bien joué !

C'est vraiment très propre, les visuels sont magnifiques. Je pense que tu as une bonne base pour développer le jeu sur mobile, et j'ai hâte de le retester quand tu auras fini d'implémenter toutes les fonctionnalités :)

J'espère que tu vas rajouter d'autres niveaux parce que le concept est vraiment super intéressant et plaisant à jouer :o

I love the character animations! And I like the concept of the game, there are some very interesting ideas. The title screen with the mess in the menus made me laugh ^^ It's really a nice little game, good job =D

C'est très bordélique mais très fun à la fois! J'ai trouvé ça super marrant les beignets diaboliques dans le premier niveau qui te pourchassent x) J'ai bien aimé joué avec la physique du jeu, par exemple détruire les plateformes dans le second niveau j'ai vraiment trouvé ça sympa. La musique colle plutôt bien au jeu. Les particules de sang sont particulièrement bien faites :o

En tout cas pour moi ça répond complètement au thème, et je trouve ça dommage qu'il y ai ce bug majeur qui empêche de voir les autres niveaux. Beau travail quand même :)

Le jeu est beau, clean, polish, j'adore les transitions, l'animation de mort, les effets sur l'écran... Le concept est vraiment sympa et marche bien. Il y a beaucoup de niveaux alors que vous avez eu seulement 48h pour faire le jeu, c'est très impressionnant, GG à vous !!

I like the idea, I think the theme is very well interpreted! I'm really bad at this game though, I've died so many times ahah x) Good job =D

I like the art of the game! It's probably weird but I enjoyed contaminating as many people as I could :o

The title screen is styled with the animal showing the selected button with its hand :o The concept is nice and original, good job =D

The idea is really super original and well found! With a few adjustments it could be a good mobile game. Good job =D

Awesome art and great concept. Well done!

The game fits really well with the theme and the idea is super interesting :o It's hard and frustrating, but you still want to persevere to see the next levels. Good job !

The game is nice, I like the scoring system you implemented :) On the other hand, the text isn't too readable when you're in the dark, but apart from that everything is well executed =D

Wow, big work on the atmosphere, the music fits the game perfectly. The interpretation of the theme is really interesting and original. Well done :)

Oh my god this is so hard but so fun ahah! I like the idea and the art is nice. If you can make the game a little less difficult, that'd be great =D

I love this little robot :p The music is catchy, it's nice. I really had a hard time jumping on some platforms but otherwise the controls were reactive.

The concept is really interesting! But it's getting too complicated for my brain ahah

It's a brilliant idea! It's hard, but I really like the concept. Graphics are nice. Good job =D

The art style is really nice and the little music fits well to the game but damn it's hard and frustrating! The concept is interesting and I think it could make a good mobile game. Well done :)

I like the idea a lot! It's complicated with an azerty keyboard but it adds difficulty ahah

I'm a big fan of your amazing graphic style, it's cute, colorful and unique :D

Thanks for this funny video! Indeed, the music is gone after seeing all your failures x)

Thanks for showing the game in your video! I'm sad that you failed to pass the level, I didn't think it was that hard xD

Thanks for your feedback, I'll take all that into consideration! And well done for your perseverance, the last level is not easy :o

Thank you very much for your comment! It's really appreciated!