Thanks so much for sharing this awesome UI framework for free. Saves me a ton of work and it functions intuitively and is quite stable.
One thing I want to share is that it seems UIGrid.scroll doesn't move the children in cells. The cell groups themselves move (I can see that with setShowGridOverlay), but the children stay where they are initially placed.
For others struggling with this: I've made this (temporary) workaround that hotfixes the problem. Call it on the grid you want to scroll with the same parameters you would give to the .scroll method:
function ui_grid_scroll(_ui_grid, _orientation = UI_ORIENTATION.HORIZONTAL, _sign = 1, _amount = UI_SCROLL_SPEED) { // Just this scrolls the cell groups, but their children aren't updated. BUG? _ui_grid.scroll(_orientation, _sign, _amount) // HOTFIX that triggers the children to update to their correct position var _children = _ui_grid.getChildren() for (var _i = 0; _i < array_length(_children); _i++) { var _child = _children[_i] _child.scroll(_orientation, _sign, 0) } }