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Sharing another snippet of something I had to kinda of workaround.

I have a couple UIPanel widgets that I add as children to a grid. Upon closing the room I call a function to remove all widgets that are 'bound' to the room. Sadly panels that are parented to a Grid don't fully delete themselves. I had to use this workaround to get them to completely delete:

if (_widget.getType() == UI_TYPE.PANEL) {

Full snippet for the logic to register and later remove widgets when the room ends:

global.widgets_to_remove = []
// Registers a widget that will be removed when the room ends
function widget_bound_to_room(_widget)
    array_push(global.widgets_to_remove, _widget)    
    return _widget
// Called on room end to remove bound widgets
function widgets_remove_room_bound()
    for (var _i = array_length(global.widgets_to_remove) - 1; _i >= 0; _i--) {
        var _widget = array_pop(global.widgets_to_remove)
        custom_event_call("widget_removing_room_bound", {
            widget_to_remove: _widget    
        // Workaround for panels not removing correctly
        if (_widget.getType() == UI_TYPE.PANEL) {

To use it:

1. When creating widgets call widget_bound_to_room on it, e.g:

var _crafting_group = widget_bound_to_room(new UIGroup("CraftingGroup", 0, 0, 250, 0, spr_back, UI_RELATIVE_TO.MIDDLE_CENTER))
_crafting_group.add(widget_bound_to_room(new UIPanel("ParentedPanel", _x, _y, _width, _height, spr_frame_simple)))

2. When the room ends call:

(1 edit)

Hi again, 

UIPanels are not meant to be nested (at least I didn't design it that way!), so I'm interested in your use case for that and how are you implementing it. I can see you would have problems destroying them, but there might be other things that don't work as you think, just because again, when I thought about UIPanels I always conceived them as top-level widgets.

It would be really useful if you could share your code and/or images to see how you are using them nested. 


manta ray

(2 edits)

Heya again,

Thanks for explaining that the UIPanels weren't meant for that. I used them to create panels with a background sprite, but now that you said that I was doing something unintended- I double-checked the docs and found that a UIGroup can have a background sprite as well.

I guess the term 'panel' gave me the illusion that they would be similar to WinForms Panels, but they're more akin to Forms there I guess. I've switched to UIGroups for my purposes, but will leave the code snippet up since it may be useful to someone else for other reasons.

Thanks again for your quick support!