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(2 edits)

"Completed" with 4 seconds left on the clock. I love the implementation of the existential theme in videogame format.

I like that the msg box in the bottom conveys when the package is dropped or picked up. Although I could not figure out how the time is being calculated/measured.

I like that you showed time in the form of battery. It fits well in the whole. 

The color palette is pretty cool (haha pun unintended) I like the minimalism in art style too.  

It took me a few rounds to realise that I could fly through the hanging chain. It may be worth considering making the uninteractable items (like the hanging chain and the little fences) a slightly more darker shade of blue to differentiate them more from interactable items.

For  controller input, you may want to try adding sensitivity based input so that if I move the trigger only a little, the drone would also move only a little.

Overall it's a really nice game and I hope you add more levels post jam! 

start = 600
k = 0.4 
args.state.game_history.reverse.each_with_index do |element, i|
  y = 130 - 25 * i
  ui_render << {
    x: 830, y: y, text: "#{status[element.type]} at #{ticks_to_time(element.time * k, start)}"
. . .
def ticks_to_time(ticks, start = 0)
  time = (ticks + start) % 1440
  meridian = "PM"
  if time < 720
    meridian = "AM"
  hour = (((time / 60).floor - 1) % 12 + 1).to_s
  minute = (time % 60).floor
  if minute < 10
    minute = "0#{minute}"
    minute = minute.to_s
  second = ((time % 1) * 60).floor
  if second < 10
    second = "0#{second}"
    second = second.to_s
  return "#{hour}:#{minute}:#{second} #{meridian}"

where "time" or "ticks" is "frames since the start of the game" at 60fps

Which is to say, the game starts at 10:00AM, ends at 6:00PM, and each frame is 24 seconds (every second is 24 minutes)

and controllers SHOULD have sensitivity-based input...? I'm using DR's input helpers "left_right" and "up_down", which MAY snap to the nearest integer instead of taking the analog input of a controller stick into account. I'll see if I can't cook something up, perhaps checking controller input if there is no keyboard input.

Ah I see, thank you for sharing the code! And yeah do look into the controller input. It'd be great to have the flexibility in movement.