"Completed" with 4 seconds left on the clock. I love the implementation of the existential theme in videogame format.
I like that the msg box in the bottom conveys when the package is dropped or picked up. Although I could not figure out how the time is being calculated/measured.
I like that you showed time in the form of battery. It fits well in the whole.
The color palette is pretty cool (haha pun unintended) I like the minimalism in art style too.
It took me a few rounds to realise that I could fly through the hanging chain. It may be worth considering making the uninteractable items (like the hanging chain and the little fences) a slightly more darker shade of blue to differentiate them more from interactable items.
For controller input, you may want to try adding sensitivity based input so that if I move the trigger only a little, the drone would also move only a little.
Overall it's a really nice game and I hope you add more levels post jam!