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my Android version is 8 (idk why is important) and the game version is the one before the current update


I wasn't asking I was stating. Nobody is here to troubleshoot your shit for you. Jesus do you need someone to hold your hand through everything in your life?

The guy doesnt REALLY seem to be good with smartphones, so if you cant answer his questions *politely*, DONT answer at all! -.-

thanks hagemage, actually I was consulting how to make a backup for my save game, that's all, because in previous version you had to do that if you didn't want to lose your progress...


I answered what he asked. I see the special eds kids stick together. Good to see.

Wow... No words... Just a BIG. FUCKING. **WOW**! -.- -.-


ok genius, I was consulting before run the update, on the previous updates they recommended to save the files just in case, and I was asking which one were the files to save just in case, if you have Daddy issues go to somewhere else, if you don't have any productive thing to say, just keep your mouth shut. Sometimes is better keep quiet and don't look like an idiot than talk and confirm that...


I answered what you asked. Not my problem you're tech illiterate.

Arrogant dick