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A member registered Mar 25, 2019

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My pleasure. Sorry that other dude was a fucking dunce. Hope you have a great time playing.

oof. Yeah that's an extremely out of date version. That's running on the back of android 8 or something. No way to fix that aside from getting a newer device since the 7th gen no longer gets new updates only security patches.

Them* husband wife team.

(1 edit)

iOS is the iPhone and iPad operating system. MacOS is the Mac operating system. How are you so wrong but so confident.

Could be a caching issue, what's the exact version of your OS? 

OS means operating system... Which android is an os and what fire tablets run...

Pull out your phone and tap messages

Playing on Android, got to the USB decrypting and the game crashes completely. Is there a known fix?

Then why don't you ignore me?

Wow, and you call me a prick... How's that high horse treating you?

Start what? That was a great guide. 

You should be able to keep the save. I have had no issue since .6 or so.

I haven't had any issues keeping my saves when updating. I started playing around version .6 or .7 ish. I'm on an LG stylo4+ and each time I update I download the app and after it stages it asks if I want to update and after the update runs my saves are still there. Honestly the work you've put into this game is remarkable.

and the other questions I had?

Explain? How long was your screen black for? I know that scene goes black at the end for a bit while it loads. Were you on mobile or computer?

Slave route is the only way until more story gets added for them.

Pretty sure you are the one who can't speak english properly. 

All you do is complain. I'm taking time out of my day to make you better. See once you stop talking like an idiot I'll leave you alone.

1. Well then why don't you know english well?

2. So you have never heard anything along the lines of you couldn't__________ to save your life? It's basically like you're in a dangerous position. Only way to avoid death is to, in your case, make a complete and coherent statement. You are unable to do so because, well... Looking at statement 1. What exactly is your mental disability? 

P.s. Betting 10-1 your first instinct was something along the lines of "no you!"

pretty sure if my life is comfortable enough I can take 5 seconds to troll you I'm doing quite alright.

Why is every post from you either a complaint or just fucking wrong?

holy shit... Are you ten or just not a native english speaker. Thats a super common phrase. 

not trying to be a dick but honestly I have only called you out when you were wrong. Sometimes it's like you haven't even played. You have given the wrong answer more often than the correct one. That and you cannot form a coherent sentence to save your life.

You're an easy target. Stop talking out of your ass and I won't have anything to say. Think of me as you personal assistant, always here to save you from fucking up!

Yeah you have to choose slave route. Dont listen to anything hagemage says he's a moron.


You're spamming with idiocy. What would you like? Everyone to pat your head and say its ok?

I answered what he asked. I see the special eds kids stick together. Good to see.

I answered what you asked. Not my problem you're tech illiterate.

What would you like him to do about you having a shitty out dated phone? You are why devs end up quitting.

... That's generally what that fucking means. 30 is less then 40.

I wasn't asking I was stating. Nobody is here to troubleshoot your shit for you. Jesus do you need someone to hold your hand through everything in your life?

Depending on android version it might ask if this download is an update. If it is it keeps your current save state.

What if we're on Android?