Great stuff! A few issues I've found (that you might already be aware of): Defending on a potato computer is an absolute wash (executing a perfect block requires pressing space before the circles are visible), and screen calibration, from what I can tell, simply exacerbates the issue. I'm not sure if there's much to do on your end about that, though.
More importantly, reloading saves during a fight in 0.0.7a (if the save is just before the boss dialog, at least) can lead to wonky unintended results. For example, you can lose the HP/MP bar for both Iris and the enemy, the Attack box can show up before the boss dialog is finished, and, if you managed to reload just before the Tidal Attack, the fight may(?) start with the boss having boosted stats and/or executing the attack on turn 1 - though it's kind of hard to tell with the HP bars missing. I noticed this with Roy in particular; didn't try it with the others as I got used to the idiosyncrasies of blocking afterward. For me, the only solution was to close out the program itself and reload from there.
Not sure if the above is simply due to me trying to run Hex on a computer that can barely keep up with the game, but thought I'd let you know.