well how about we lay everything out in a nice little line for you one after the other, and then we fucking play the game for you too? i mean, at what point do you choose to just go watch a movie or read a book instead? why have any kind of choices at all?
ffs, do you GAME, ever, butthurt downvoting-all-my-comments little bitch?
*oh looky, you're a mod user.. no you do not game, you follow the instructions given to you by actual gamers. lame as fuck. go buy a book
yea, someone is mad, at not having someone hold their hand as you "play" the game, and instead are begging for a linear novel.. someone is mad indeed. consequences make for interesting gameplay, its as simple as that. theres a millions avn s out there without this crucial immersion-building factor, try one of them, instead of trying to ruin a rare gem