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That was a really fun twist on the space invaders. Really enjoyed the radial aspect of it. I especially liked how the two supporting ships were in the back, so you had to make meaningful decisions as to when to make the trip to the back and leave the earth exposed.

Loved the voice-acted intro, really set a strong tone for the game from the start! I also really liked the UI. Very creative way to display information to the player while saying on theme.

Perhaps the only problem I had was that I wasted a lot of time attacking the big boss in the middle, and noticed too late that it was healing and that I needed to go for the supports. And yet, I felt very good and smart when I figured it out on my own. So maybe that was ok!

Great work, really enjoyed this game!

Thanks I am glad you succeeded in taking out the Mothership in the end. The two support ships are poorly conveyed Shield ships if I had more time would have love to have some beams to convey that.

thanks so much for playing and your kind feedback.