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tl;dr - Great work, but the FBX animations might be hard to work with. Anyone interested should stick with Unity or be ready to look into how to retarget. Try V-Sekai/unidot_importer if you’re using Godot, which is working OK for me, which will attempt to actually import the Unity package into a Godot project.

Will consider picking up the other two packs (and hopefully more) if everything works out.

I’m not a technical artist though, so take this with a grain of salt.

Working FBX Files

The included Unity package works great in Unity (of course), but importing the FBX files didn’t work out well in Godot. I took a quick look in Blender and saw that the Armature nodes don’t seem to get recognized as such, which could be a problem for other engines like Unreal Engine or Godot that are expecting one in order to identify the bone hierarchy to apply the animation to.

To be clear, I mean the armature, not the mesh - this can be helpful but is not necessary, as the animation operates on the bones, not the skin.

Sex Animations vs. Mixamo Animations

Here’s a quick comparison between what you get when you import a Mixamo (no skin) animation and one from Masterpuppet:

Masterpuppet imports as a hierarchy of transforms, whereas Mixamo’s Armature is an actual hierarchy of bones.

The Masterpuppet collection has a node called “Armature” but isn’t recognized as such. Things are working correctly with Mixamo, which also has no mesh, but correctly identifies its armature in its FBX export.

Since Blender doesn’t recognize the FBX as having an animated armature, I suspect other tools might struggle too.


Thank you for that explanation, I didn't notice Blender wasn't reading the bones as an Armature, I hope I can fix this problem, but it might just be the way the animations get exported, so I can't promise that I can.


You’re welcome! It’d be nice if you could, but I’m in no rush - just hoping to leave some breadcrumbs for others to follow if they’re hoping to try to make it work.

It was a little troubling since the animation samples are in a Unity package that behave as expected, but the FBXs are not, so I didn’t find out until after I had bought it. It’s going OK for me now, but I worry about others that might not be able to find a way to make it work for them.

Happy to follow-up if you need, but I worry you/me/both of us are too busy to do that haha. Thanks again!