Does this template includes connecting into a lobby? or it's only for P2P?
Correct, if a client disconnect, the game will keep going, I programmed this template to do as:
if a client disconnect → delete all that client related objects (character/weapon...etc) for all players.
But, if the Host disconnected, the game will finish for everyone, because in THNK-P2P, the host is the server, and if the host disconnected, it means the server is down, which mean all clients will disconnect.
P2P ID (Hex key), is required to copy and send to the players you want to play with, you can replace that with an automatic system that will make everyone join together without using the ID (using Firebase), BUT it's not safe, because now, you don't know who are you playing with, and THNK-P2P leaks the player IP, so to protect the client IP leaking, i make it as: Copy ID → give it to your friend or people you trust → play together, like that it's safer because you know who are you playing with now (someone you trust).