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A member registered Mar 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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You're welcome <3

All levels are built in layouts, each level have its own layout, so you don't have to get confused at all, everything happens in the Game scene.

If you want the player mechanics only (sliding from wall to another and landing), then just go to:
Game scene → "Player mechanics" group event → "Player movements" group event, and that's it !
All player movements mechanics including collision with wall is in there :3

That's really weird 🤔

ill let gdevelop staff know about this and see if It's something they can fix 👍

Heck yea !!!

TY <3

(1 edit)

Hello again :)

That's very weird, you need to debug the Enter button to track which condition exactly is causing the issue:

Open the project → MainMenu scene → Username and loading saved data → Enter button and username rules → in the first event → remove all conditions, and leave these 2 conditions only (Left mouse button is pressed | Cursor is on EnterButton) → Try the game now → if it works, then start re adding the conditions you deleted 1 by 1 until the bug appear again, then let me know which condition is causing this issue.

Sure, i work as a freelancer game developer, if you need something, just hit me up on discord with all details 😉
Discord name: vegetato

Holly molly ! O.O

Great job ! 💪

(1 edit)

Hello :)
Thank you for your support <3
if the Enter button at the username menu is not working, then:
- Make sure your firebase database is linked correctly to the project (read the first comment in MainMenu scene\"Show leaderboard names and scores from Firebase" group event)(or just watch this tutorial video):

- Try again while using VPN (to make sure firebase is not blocked for you).

- We can check the issue with few events, but you mentioned that its working fine for you when playing on, so most likely you didn't link firebase database correctly (capital letter in collection name/quotation marks around the codes, and other details are important, make sure to watch the video again, and in the project properties, Firebase parameter, make sure you have the 7 required codes:








Thank you <3

CSS Hover effects and animated stuff, or even a tiny outline, can give a huge boost to the user itch store page and make it look appealing !
Hope to see it soon in your tool :)

Hi ! :)

If you mean you want the player to enter a mode where he plays endless random levels made from the community, then for sure !
You just need a lil adjustments to the events, like a button to enter the endless mode, and a global variable set to random in range between 1 and the number of community levels in the database, and after every level the player finish, you can simply show a button to play another random level, if the player pressed on it, you trigger that variable again, and restart the scene to make it play another community level.
I already built the community events (but by clicking on the community level button to start it), so like I mentioned, you just need a few adjustments to trigger them, in the way you want :3

Removing the community levels is easy since they are just visual objects.

GDevelop store and itch version are exactly the same, even when I push updates to the template, both stores get the update, the only difference is the price, on gd store it's higher since the store takes % of the sales.

Very useful tool ! Thank you <3

Can you please add a section for components like hover on a game window on creator page/Outline/some tweens and other cool CSS effects ? :)

Oh multiplayer co-op, now that's huge 😄

I think all of what you mentioned, including the multiplayer and boss wave, can make a good new Roguelike template in the future 😉

Thank you for the suggestions, added the template idea to my to-do list for future templates 🙏

Hello :)

Sure thing !
But can you please tell me what mechanics you are searching for that my Roguelite Template does not have ?
Roguelite template have 2 kind of enemies (small/big ghosts), there is no boss though, there is a timer and waves gets stronger after min.

Hello :)

When you click Create private lobby, and the host jump into the lobby, check your Firebase database private lobbies collection, and see if a new document is created that includes the short code, and inside of it a long code.

Make sure your Firebase database is built correctly (follow the video I mentioned or the step by step comments).
Make sure you added your ICE server correctly (follow the comments i mentioned on how to use one).

To open the pause menu, just press Enter in the game.

No stage selection in the template currently, might add it in the future updates, but you can easily change that with a simple global variable :3

I think the ultra combo meter can be built using how many punches/kick/abilities, the player has done, and some tweens to increase/ decrease the meter.

If you mean the controller support, then of course ! few clicks to add the conditions can do.

If you mean the boss mechanic, then the events are there, but you still need to play with the numbers like Boss health value (obviously should be bigger), boss damage, player damage against the boss...etc.

And you need to build the boss mechanics (the AI just move around in the map and randomly attack the player, but if you want the boss to have a different behavior, then you need to build the events for the boss from scratch).

(1 edit)

Hello :3
Yes, simply install the gamepad extension, and then use the controls condition and add them with the key pressed conditions inside an OR (so the game will be playable using a controller or keyboard).

Yes, just like what I mentioned above, you can customize everything, but changing the characters size, require playing with the Distance condition number until it fits (bigger characters require bigger range number, so players can hit each other in a bigger range).

UI and Theme, can easily be replaced with any UI/ background you want.

You can add as many characters as you want by following the video I mentioned.

Hello :)

You can add anything you want to the template, a boss fight for example, you can add it at the final stage of the level, and give him special abilities, you simply copy and paste the events in: Enemy mechanics → AI Actions → Attack → Damaging player.
And you will make the player take damage from the boss enemy from a specific mechanic.

Controllers are very easy to add, just install the gamepad extension, and then add its control conditions to the player movements events.

Hello :)
If you mean bigger character but the same canvas, then for sure !
If you mean bigger character and bigger canvas size, then yes as well ! But you need to update the numbers of the Distance conditions in damage events, so you can hit your opponent in the new distance range.

Hello :)

Thank you for your support ! <3

From what I understood, you're having trouble finding the game scene ?

1- Open the Project Manager (LCtrl+LAlt+E) in GDevelop.

2- In the Scenes list, look for and select "Game". 

If that's not the case, then please provide more details so I can help you :)

Thank you so much for your kind words <3
Glad it's working for you !

Currently, I have plans for 2 tutorial videos to add more characters to both, Fighting template and Platform Fighter template !

And the other templates in the future as well :3

Good luck in your game dev :D
And thank you for crediting my itch account, helps a lot <3

Hello :)

To make your new added character to spawn in the Game scene, you need to add it to the Spawning codes:
Open Game scene events → "Spawn players" group event → Here you need to add your new character events to every group (Player1 color/Player2 color/AI1 color/AI2 color/AI3color).

Here is a step by step on how to add a new character to the game:
1- Open "Select character" scene.
2- Add your character icon into the scene.
3- Add your new character icon to both group events (AllCharactersButtons | AllCharactersButtonsExceptRandom).
4- Double-click on your new character icon object.
5- Add the animation name (this animation name will be used to check what the player picked in the Game scene), for example, the other characters animation name are (Red/Blue). (Let's say you named yours Jax).
6- Open "Game" scene.
7- Add your character object to the objects list.
8- Add your character object to the required group objects.
9- Open "Game" scene events.
10- Go to "Spawn players"→ "Player1 color" group events.
11- You will find 2 events, each event is for a character (one is Blue one is Red), Copy and paste this event (now you have 3 events).
12- In the new event you pasted change the variable "CharactersInfo.Player1CharacterColor" to = Jax  
(Jax is your character name picked from the "Select character" Scene), and the action is to create your character Jax object.
13- Repeat the 12 step again but for the group events (Player2 color/AI1 color/AI2 color/AI3 color).

Note: I named my characters (Blue/Red/Yellow...etc) but that's just a name, you can name your character to anything you want.
Note2: Soon I will make a step-by-step tutorial video on my YouTube channel, on how to add more characters to the template.

Did you create your Firebase database and used the info and wrote it in your gdevelop project (Firebase config section) ?

Please make sure you followed the step-by-step video and applied all the steps with the correct naming.

+ Make sure to read the comment in: the Project → Main menu scene → events → (Show leaderboard names and scores from Firebase) group event.

Good luck in your project 💖

And if you need any help, feel free to ask 😊

Hello :)

Don't worry, once you understand how Firebase works, it becomes very easy to use !

You must create and link your Firebase database to your game first, follow the steps bellow.

Open Gdevelop → Open the template project → Go to Main menu scene → open the events tab → read the first comment (its a step by step + video URL on how to create and link your Firebase database to the game)

I also made this step-by-step tutorial video to make things even easier 😉

Thank you 😊

Hello :)
1- Download the template.
2- Unzip the downloaded file (using WinRAR or any unzip software).
3- Open GDevelop.
4- Click on Open project.
5- Select the template .json file.

how would you get distance to work with things like high/low attack combos?  (Typically, you have at least 3 hurt boxes - head, upper, lower.  Delayed jump attacks, for example, can hit the low hurtbox even if an upper block is active. )

By checking both players animations, for example: Player is Stand Blocking (high block) and AI is doing crouch attack (kick for example), we check if AI distance is close enough to do damage the player from the low kick, then we check the player animation/status, if he is High blocking, we allow the AI to damage the player, if the player is doing Low block, we block the AI attack.

How would a character who uses long range normals, (like Dhalsim from Street Fighter), work with range checks?  Not for his own attacks, that's easy, but for getting hit?  His hurtbox extends along his arm/leg when they're extended so you can either avoid or i-frame past his hitbox and counterhit.
By using the distance again, but this time you don't check the distance between the Long range character body and the other player, this time we put a point on that long range character arm, and then we check the distance between the player and the Long range character arm/leg...etc, if the point is close enough player can damage the opponent, otherwise no.

Glad you like my templates <3

GDevelop can handle everything in my opinion :3
You just need to think of a way to do it, and there are always many ways 😉

Good luck in your Project ! 💪

I mean in GDevelop Yes, but in General, it still doesn't matter using range or collision box or even ray cast...etc it doesn't matter, all of them leads to the same mechanic/result, and in GDevelop range (distance), is the best option to avoid all the troubles I mentioned before, but if you want to go with collision box, sure go with it, check out the Special attacks in the template, they use Collision (hitbox) not distance/range, since they don't deal huge impact to performance, and won't cause any issues at all :)

Thank you for your purchase <3
Correct, Range is used rather than hitboxes for many reasons:
1- It's much better for the game performance.
2- It's much easier to adjust/change any range for anyone using the template/building on the template.
3- Much fewer assets required, which means less game size.
4- Much fewer codes (events) required for fighting mechanics since it's just the range that change, rather than creating/deleting/handling every single hitbox object.
And much more things!

In general, fighting games doesn't always use hitboxes for attack animations, that's not required, and in my opinion it's a bad choice to take, otherwise you are going to get into all the issues (the opposite of what I mentioned above).

In my opinion:
- Range is the smart way.
- Hitboxes is a beginner way.

Hello, sorry for the delay :3

For sure !

I made the template, so anyone can make his own beat em up game or build on the template and expand it however they like !

All the events in the template are commented, so anyone can easily understand any mechanic in the game !

Thank you <3

Your welcome <3

Thank you <3

Oh, I love tomb of the mask game ! :o

I added it to my to-do list for future templates, thank you for the suggestion <3

Hire the Archer and The king, they auto attack 😉

You're welcome <3
And thank you for your support <3

Thank you :3

Firebase is supported in GDevelop which makes things much easier, you might find other API that can help you in that, but GDevelop does not have it right now, so you might be going to need to import the API on your own and make it work in gdevelop (coding required).

Well since the mouse and touch conditions are the same, I think it should work fine on mobile yea :3

Hi !
1- Basically, you just copy and paste the shooting events, but rather than shooting, you rotate the character toward the cursor (not the cursor expression, but the data sent in the message by that client, which is that client cursor).

2- Server events → Weapon mechanics → Creating weapon Group & Linking weapon → take (cut) the actions from both of these groups → open Spawning players → in the action where we create the player, paste the actions we cut previously.
So you should end up with the actions create player/create weapon/ Link weapon to current player/ set weapon State.Picked to True.

3- it's not visibility issue, it's Zorder issue, It's happening because your player Zorder is set to your player Y position (double-click on the character object → behaviors → Ysort behavior) make sure it's there in your new character. Change your map object Z order set to -1000000, so the player is always above the map.

Downloaded and tested, works perfectly !
Thank you 💖