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Overall, this entry is very unique, not so much focused on combat which was nice.
Up until the first minigame the experience was very, very chill. I liked the music, visuals and the overall vibe. 

The mini-games were OK i guess, but was a bit less chill (for me at least :P).

Overall, I think you did a good job - you should definately expand on this theme more if you ask me!


Thank you for your honest feedback. Sorry for breaking the chill vibe(the game is meant to be stressful). I wished I could've spent more time on the minigames to make them more engaging, but time got the best of me.  The theme is also primarily rooted in the story, but there is always room for expansion. Thanks for playing!


Oh yeah, sorry. I ment not the game jam theme, but the inner mind thing you had going. It was pretty compelling :)