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Honestly at first I had no idea what to do, after a couple of trial and errors it clicked and I was pleasantly surprised at the concept! Very creative and fun to solve!

I did not understand why the weights had physics attached to them?  I did not see any gameplay benefit to those having physics, but maybe that comes into play later in the game.

Around level 7, my game froze up and crashed - this could just be my laptop as its a little old but thought I would mention it.

Congratz and nice job on the game, best of luck!

Thank you!  Regarding the weights being physics, I needed them to have colliders so they would not overlap, in order to prevent picking up 2 weights with the mouse.  Once that far, it just made sense for them to be physics bodies so you could toss them in and they'd sail in like...well...weights!  Also, some might consider it a bit tedious to drag them directly to the spot when they can just be dropped in, there's the little dopamine aspect there to consider as well.  Certainly, that could be done with kinematic bodies, but not to any advantage that I thought of (this does not preclude said advantage existing :-P).

Thanks for mentioning the crash.  I don't know why.  However, just yesterday, I ran it on an old HP Envy laptop that I have, as it happens, and got a crash I had never seen before.  It was a memory access violation.  This old thing has a trash Intel on-board graphics and I have to run it on that thing with opengl3 (instead of Vulkan, Godot will prompt for that).  Hopefully this is just some crazy old driver issue, but good to know :).