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Really nice work on this :). The pacing of levels/difficulty felt smooth and the physics of the balloon/snake were engaging, and I liked the egg as an additional objective-especially it changing the shape and physics of the snake.

A few things though:
 - I really liked the introductory levels structure, but I think it would have benefited from having the balloon be able to pop in it too. It's not something that really needed explaining, but for it to not pop there, then pop in the next level was weird.
 - Similar to above, the ability for the balloon to pop against the environment feels inconsistent. Sometimes you can push into the wall quite a bit and it won't pop, other times a slight mistake will make it pop. As a result personally I'd rather it just always pop against a wall, as completing a level after it luckily didn't pop or losing the level because it unluckily did pop didn't feel as rewarding as when I just acted as if a balloon was lost anytime I hit the wall.
 - The eggs were neat and opened up a light sense of exploration to get them, so when you got to the level with the rising/falling platforms and the eggs just in the middle, that felt a bit flat.
 - Just a bug/issue:If you just click on the snakes tail and let go quickly, you'll end up with the tiny balloon-not completely inflated, but with the physics of the full balloon. You could abuse that to make some of the levels/obstacles easier, so it'd be good if you can have the balloon continue to inflate fully even after being attached.


Thanks :D

The tiny balloon thing was supposed to effect the strength of the balloon but I didn't get around to unfortunately. The balloon popping is based on how fast the balloon is moving; if I work on this more, I'll tweak it :)