I like the artstyle, especially the designs of the people in the marketplace. It is simple and feels fitting for a marketplace. The music, background chatter, and day and night cycle really adds to the atmosphere.
I like that the title screen also functions as a test area so that new players can get used to the mechanics and signs first. The controls are straightfoward.
The choice of fruits and their design is also good, as they are distinct enough that you can determine which fruit a person is interested in from your peripheral vision. This strategy did have problem when it came to checking whether the person wanted to give or buy a fruit - I would mix up the "+" and "?" symbols and end up making a mistake unless I am staring directly at the speech bubble. Given the 20 second timer, I feel like this might have been a clever and intentional design choice to increase the likelihood of mistakes.
For the 20 second game jam, 3 fruits and 6 trade spots is enough. A possible improvement to help add more gameplay depth could be to give a point bonus for responding to a person's needs quickly.
A fun game about fruit rapidly changing hands.