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Very nice game! I really love the almost wire-frame-like style you're going for! The mechanics are also very interesting, though i've had a few issues with the implementation.

What i think you did really well:

The style: again, it's awesome, i love stuff the looks like old-school computer graphics without being incredibly low-poly.

The concept: shooting anomalies/glitches while running through a sort-of maze in a video game? That sounds like an episode plot from like Adventure Time or something (and i mean this as a compliment). 

The mechanics: i really like the concept of having to think through when to actually shoot anomalies, at first it seems as if you have to shoot every single one, but actually it turns out that leaving out most of them is the correct play! I'd love this as a puzzle platformer, but going fast is very fun too!

What i think could be improved:

The music: i don't wanna sound rude, especially since you complimented my own music, but i would really appreciate having the option to turn off the music, or to have more variety. Generally it's a good idea to have a longer song with more repeating melodies than to have a shorter song with no repeating melodies

The physics: I actually liked a lot about the physics, the only things i found kinda weird were the gravity not applying when you're on the ground even if it's flipped and how the bullets/grenades you shoot dont seem to inherit your velocity? I wasn't paying close attention so i might've just been aiming badly, but in case they dont already inherit the player velocity i think adding that functionality would be great. And the gravity not applying when you're' grounded just seems like a weird bug.

(Speaking of bugs, i found out by accident that sometimes you can shoot the same anomaly twice while it's disappearing, no idea how it happened)

The level design: Again, i actually really liked the level design, but the last level is kind of confusing as i accidentally skipped all of it. And in the second level you can actually go entirely out of bounds and soft-lock yourself.

All in all, a very good game, keep up the great work!


Thank you so much for the thorough feedback!! Yea, music is not really my strong suit as of now but I'm definitely learning more as I go! An option to turn off music is a good idea! I'm fully aware of the gravity not applying when ur on the ground. It actually does apply but you just need to jump! Everytime the gravity is switched, I added a force upwards or downwards so it applies properly but sometimes the player still sticks to the ground. I'll prolly think of a way to fix it after the jam! For the bullets, I'm not really sure about inheriting player velocity, I think it might look a bit delayed especially when the player is transitioning gravities. This is prolly because when the player presses the mouse, in a split second the player also moves, therefore it looks like its delayed but its actually not. I'm not too sure how to make this better as of now but I'll definitely keep that in mind! And shooting the anomaly twice is not something that I thought of. It is definitely possible with the way the code works right now and its an easy fix (this is why playtesting is important xD). I'm aware at some areas the player can get soft locked, thats where the reset button comes in! For the last level, its fully intentional, because (Spoilers) its a maze that branches up and down forward. So if you skipped the last level, that means you found the fastest path xD. I mean I finished the last level in 10 seconds.

Oh and don't worry about sounding rude or anything. Usually, the harsher (constructively) the feedback is, the more useful it is! Again, thank you so much for the very well detailed feedback!