This was excellent! I actually downloaded this a month ago, so even though I just solved it, I was on 1.11. But now looking through 1.12, I have a couple comments on your changes:
- Puzzle 0, I'm not sure you've made it any less ambiguous. For example, I gave my gf the link (so she's working on 1.12), she's just "finished" puzzle 0, and she has the FIN in FINE going straight down, then the IS intersects its I. This runs into the same problem of being not unique until you realize the rules it's trying to tell you.
- Puzzle 12, the bottom blue squiggle seems to be nothing? AH, I just realized that's supposed to represent the answer to puzzle 12 being found. Was confusing. I'm also disappointed that you've broken the backwards sensible-ness of answer 12, since you used to have all the even answers in puzzle 12 work out to some sort of words backwards, but now the last one doesn't anymore.
Anyway, hoping your other stuff is as wonderful as this was, will check it out!