Bro I hate the mc so much but I love this game too😭 I chose Yuzuki because I was like "Okay, so Ichigo is obviously the yandere. And I love yandere so save dessert for last". But omg I was genuinely hating Yuzuki in the beginning, BECAUSE WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO YOU? HOE. And then I learnt of what I did and then the backstory came in and I was ugly muttering.
And I'm sorry, but why is the ed where everyone dies so funny to me??
Then I went for Ichigo, and it was all going fine because I didn't see Yuzuki for the entire route, until Ichigo and Haruto was speaking, and I thought he was going to let him go and Haruto would give up. NO. MY BABY, YUZUKI, HARUTO😭😭 WHY CAN'T THEY JUST BE HAPPY. Ngl i totally digged the true ending but seeing Haruto's kinda broke me, and I was like, why does she get Ichigo? IT SHOULDA BEEN ME. AND OMG YUZUKI ;(((
In the end, I went to the Hand ending before closing the game to see MC suffer one last time.
As you can see, I loved this game🥰