Overall enjoyed the game and printer boss was funny. UI was slick and I like the fonts.
While music was good too but sound balance was off. I could not hear the sound effects over the music and shooting.
I think level design did not match the current game play mechanics. What do I mean? AI would not react if the distance is big until they got shoot and the open areas were a lot. On the contrary AI from upper levels rush down when I walk under of them. When robots died their gears would fall down to lower levels. Because I could not hear robots walking sound they could also come behind me sneakily. I could just find a part on the level where robots could not walk and pick them slowly.
A long corridor type level with corners would hide the current weaknesses of the game. Also you could implement a laser wall coming from behind to force the player move forward in time. Like resident evil movie you are in a corridor but the laser is coming from behind and very very slow.
Gun mechanics were great but I would change 2 things.
When shooting and/or missing I would use the the gears we collected slightly so if player does not want to use a weapon they could not just stop and empty the clip.
I would make upgrade part faster.
More enemy types clearly would be better but I guess time was not enough. I would at least expected that big enemy would explode and kill the small ones near them.
I enjoyed the game and even expecting more levels to fully upgrade my weapons.