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The consent and fetish systems were in discussions for an overhaul (for many of the same reasons as your post) while development was grinding to a halt due to a lack of time and interest. The GitHub version is slightly ahead of the version, though I'm not familiar with all the differences. The entrancement spell effect was included as a shortcut for both the consent and fetish systems, so if you are looking for an "always say yes" solution then that is it. Note that the enchantment spell effect is consumed by each attempt, so there is still a significant cost.

The consent system has a lot more complexity than may be apparent to the player and there are a lot of intertwined factors. Sexual consents can be influenced by lewdness, lust, and certain fetish opinions. If you aren't going to use the entrancement spell, then my recommendation would be to avoid trying to grind consent simply by asking every day as many of the consents require moderately high stats such as obedience and loyalty simply to get above zero chance of success. Unlike fetishes asking for consent does not improve your chances of success next time, so use a couple meet and sex interactions between attempts to gain consent. Also make sure to clear the rebellious effect of being captured or you probably won't get any consent. The Constants mod only provides options for chances of livestock consent.

The fetish opinion system is complex, buggy, and incomplete so it's difficult to give good advice for it. The alternative to the talk menu should be having the slave participate in the fetish during the sex interaction as the more times a slave is exposed to it each day the greater the chance of raising the fetish. However, this doesn't work for every fetish; some because of bugs and some because the design is lacking. The Constants mod provides access to some options, but these do not appear to be particularly useful at the moment.

To effectively alter/disable the systems, it appears that you could simply edit the values for "var fetish" and "var consentexp" in the program file ".../files/scripts/person/". It is a plain text file and the edits can be made with any text editor, though making a backup file is recommended. The fetish opinions can be changed from "none" to one of the following values:

"taboo", "dirty", "unacceptable", "uncertain", "acceptable", "enjoyable", "mindblowing"

The consent values can be changed from false to true.

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well its not what I hoped but its still better then nothing thanks. I didn't know you could easily edit each character fetish and will for sure do this from now on instead of the mess of menu spam that the game currently demands. Enchantment spam is literally just more menu options clicks which slow everything down so I dont care for it if I want to do more then ask a character to put the damn sword on

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If you wanted something else, then you will need to detail what it was you were after. These systems are messy, complex, and spread out across multiple files, so I don't feel like explaining it all and there aren't a lot of great points to edit the scripts unless you have experience programming. For instance, if you wanted Entrancement to last a whole day, then you would need to edit "func usedEntrancement()" in  "../files/scripts/" by copying the "return text" line to a new line below

var text = ""

Note, if you make this change using a simple editor like Windows Notepad, then the game will crash due to an improper newline character.

Edit: You could also put a # at the start of the lines between between these two lines("var" and "return") if you prefer.

Also, I should have clarified that editing the values in will not change any existing characters but change the starting values for newly generated characters. If you want to change the values for existing characters, then you will need to edit the save file, which is JSON formatted data. An online JSON editor can be used to clarify the structure of the data, if you do not have an editor that supports the format. The values will work the same and have the same names as in, but will be harder to find as there will be a lot of slaves in the file.