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Loved this game! Was drawn to it immediately because of the cover and the gameplay is so straightforward, but not too easy (I actually had to go on Easy mode to beat and I got all endings except Hard Mode! >_< 

I was only a bit confused on ending B: Pink completes work and goes home, but Blue has to stay and work overtime, it seems; but text says: "Blue managed to escape the clutches of Boss, but Pink? Pink wasn’t so lucky…" Shouldn't it be: "Pink managed to escape the clutches of Boss, but Blue? Blue wasn’t so lucky…" ?

Overall, so cute and fun! <3

(1 edit) (+1)

...well that's embarrassing! Thanks for letting me know, I'll get an update to it tonight. And thank you for playing!

EDIT: The update is live. Thanks for calling attention to it again!!