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Hi! Thank you for your comment. It's good to know that some people think the same way =) In my view, the best part is the discoveries throughout the story. And her second profession is consistent with her life situation. Since the story was written in a novel format, there was no problem with this revelation. Unfortunately, when adapting it into a VN, I need to take extra care.

I believe the biggest issue for people is the fact that she is a prostitute, which reduces her value as LI for many, and also there wasn't a prostitution tag. The tag didn't exist because it's not a theme of the VN, and her profession is only briefly mentioned as a story element. I don't care about it, but it's a sensitive topic for many. Since I received a considerable amount of feedback related to this and as these small adjustments wouldn't impact the story, I decided to accept some suggestions. 

(1 edit)

Yea i agree with what you said, i think it was completely fine story wise and it didn't disturb me in any way that she was a prostitute, since i though of her more as an escort, which are basically the same things but not xD

But again, if a lot of people were having issue with that, it's cool you adapted for them by chaning little details.

P.S: I discovered your AVN like 1 week ago and it was really good! Once i will be able to i will try to support you on patreon or here :)

It's funny because I also think of her as an escort. I guess I also don't mind because she's someone who doesn't like her reality.

Anyway, I'm very glad you enjoyed it. And thank you for the intention to support the project in the future! 

And if you have any criticism or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me on discord =)