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Thanks for the ideas! They're actually super helpful for ideas with future projects. I'm sorry your saves didn't work, I haven't seen/heard that issue with anyone else. Was it not letting you save at all? Or did it let you save and then the save not work? If you don't want to replay but want to see what happens, you can always watch a playthrough on YouTube! (I recommend Dart Munkey's playthrough of it) 

Also, thanks for your kinds words! Sorry again the save wasn't working.

Thank you for responding so quickly! I was able to save but then the saves did not save I guess.  Like I said before,  I loved the humor and the characters personalities too. I feel like I’ve had friends with each of those character personalities at some point or another. Although I’d have to swap out most of the girls with boys because most of my girl friends wouldn’t make jokes like that! But I defiantly know a Milo, an  Oscar, a Tammy,  the short blue haired kid, a Zack, a Marco, an Edward, and a Cory. I truly enjoyed that game. I am curious though, what were some of your inspirations?  The Seven and a half Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle literally has a mysterious man wearing a bird mask forcing the main characters to solve an unsolved murder in order to survive!

The game itself was mainly based off Zero Escape. It's a visual novel where nine people are stuck on a boat and have to do escape rooms to survive. Your Turn to Die and Danganronpa also played a role but mainly ZE. Nightmare wasn't inspired off anything. He was originally going to be a plague mask doctor so I guess his design is based off that. I just thought a raven in a suit looked creepier.