Have you overheard them having sex yet? That's usually the bit people seem to be missing when they're having trouble getting that storyline to kick off.
Are there particular circumstances that are necessary for THAT to happen? I've only had it happen with one character & at the time my character was leaning heavily into the 'Oh god THEM?! I don't want to hear THEM having sex!
Sadly, I have since deleted that character & none of my other characters have come close so I'm wondering if there is something else that needs to happen first.
No, nothing special. The intended sequence is you get the "Hey, who're you?" event with the roommate's partner the second week or so, then your roommate gets paranoid and demands you don't speak to them, then you start getting the "overhear sex" events. They can happen on weekend evenings, when the partner sneaks in and stays over.