Mission for a helicopter – two islands in conflict
Pixel art for today based on videogame Unban Strike for game console Sega MegaDrive. Last part from series Strike for this game console. Series – isometrical shooter about helicopter.
And this is my drawing about the same theme.
Island in Pacific ocean stop to be a paradise in Pacific. Invasion from nearest government starts with support of terrorists all over the world. Nearest government – it is also island. Two islands divided by hundreds of kilometers. All of these are in Pacific Ocean. No interests into this conflict until now. So even newspapers do not doing aby reports. Until now. Until it is a news that unknow source tells that, not confirmed information, one of those islands get atomic weapon of small power. And they expect rocket transport, and transport of weapons. And that’s all already leads to making situation more complex.
After that in a region of two islands it was send a big war ship. With special helicopters. They are equipped with most advanced technology. It is expected, that group of those helicopters can stop conflict. Each of helicopter will act like a standalone unit. And you aim is to stop terrorist. Stop conflict. Find atomic weapon. Storage with rockets.
Everything is going more complicated, that terrorists has provoke strike one government against another. And, by the way, it is about both sides of islands. Satellites are shutdown. There is no transmissions any kind.
Territory of islands is not looking through satellites. So, navigation at the landscape is manual. Each such fly – it is a mission. Ship you are landing in also move. Helicopters are making fly missions. With mission. All is going in a real time.
So first I take to chance to draw in a style of series Strike. Before that I have a fear to try this drawing. And now I see - I can do it. And story is in style of Tom Clancy, or something like action movies from 90s. Or with a spirit of story from game series Strike.
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.