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today is the 10th National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre a Chinese,i have to say something

The war crimes and crimes against humanity, including mass murder, rape, arson and looting, were committed by the invading Japanese Army in Nanjing, China at the beginning of the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. The climax of Japanese atrocities began with the capture of Nanjing on December 13, 1937, which lasted six weeks and more than 40 days of horrific carnage

"Those who close their eyes to history cannot see the future." Japan's rightward turn is a backward step of history, a retrograde step of The Times, and a provocation to justice. It attempts to deny and beautify the criminal history of fascist aggression, challenge and subvert the post-war international order, smear and attack the achievements of mankind's anti-fascist victory, and ignore or obliterate the sacrifices and contributions of the Chinese people in the war of resistance. Such historical revisionism and attempts to overturn historical cases are absolutely impermissible, resolutely opposed, and doomed to failure.



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wow ok well

"Happy 10th National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims"

Bro its not heppy that thousands of ppl had that stuff done to them lol

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我也是中国人 lol

Jesus.. I'm sorry.