The start of this game is really cool! You start falling down, seeing some of the level and just when you land you get told what the controls are.
Lack of audio really hurts this game, mostly because of sound effects. The enemies in this game are really cool designed art and behaviour wise, but I didn't think they were enemies at first. I didn't notice getting hurt, but eventually I figured it out.
I found it hard to kill enemies in big mode because the jump is so low. Also I didn't notice I had to hit the enemies multiple times. (This is visualised in them getting a bit redder, but I didn't see this at the beginning). I eventually came to the strategy of going normal mode to jump and land on the in bigmode, which worked.
The powerup animation is SO COOL. It feels really professionally made. I never got tired of transforming, really great job on that.
Figuring out where to go was hard at the start, but once I unlocked the small mode everything fell into place.
Xylophone was a really funny addition. This also made me notice that every mode is activated by the first letter of their name, which I thought was really funny. It helped me remember how to transform into them.
Permadeath hurts this game a lot. I died once somewhere after unlocking the xylophone and it was a bit of a drag to go all the way back.
The donkey powerup is really fun and so well made. Animation looks really good!
I eventually made my way to the top right, where I could see arrows pointing to my entrance (which is probably my exit). I just couldn't reach this part, probably because I was missing a specific mode. I couldn't figure out the puzzle at the topleft with the big spike gap and eventually died.
I feel really bad not finishing this game, because the anticipation to every new powerup is just so high. The game is a bit hard with especially tight jumps for the small mode sections. You really have to power through some sections.
I did really like the game. That metroidvania feel of going left and right with your new powers is always satisfying. The art is also amazing. Really sad there is no music or sfx, thats the biggest part I'm missing here.
Viewing post in Far From Home jam comments
Oh my gosh, thanks for all this helpful feedback!
I'm always really bad about adding sound. It always gets put last in my priority list, one because I work alone, and two, because I don't really enjoy scouring around for copyright free sound effects and music to add. But I may need to put more of a priority on it, because it seems to be important.
I do understand the issues you had with certain parts. I did intend on fixing a lot of those things, but I obviously ran out of time :(. I was very proud of the mode swapping animation, but I may have spent too much time on it.
For the top left spike puzzle, I will tell you that you need tank mode to cross the gap (but no, it can't drive on spikes), if you ever feel the desire to come back for some reason.
So, thanks for all the feedback, it means a lot!