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A member registered Aug 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really really solid runner game. I started of thinking the flying mode would be the main gimick of the game. I really like the flying. I also really like the movement conservation when coming out of a fast fly/drill/hookshot, feels amazing when it goes right.

I can't say that much about the game except it's hard! Maybe I'm just bad but I was really struggling learning some of these controls.

The flying feels perfect. I had instant control of it when I understood it (great tutorialization at the start btw, quick and easy to understand). Liked the levels that were designed with it. Didn't get any of the optional collectibles, they were kind of hard to get.

The drill was hard to get the hang of. Your space makes you go down and its the only way to accelerate, so you have to really think different when using it. I did like using the drill, but  landing after using it turned out to be harder than I thought.

Hookshot is great in concept, but I never got the hang of it. I could not get the momentum I wanted out of this. This is probably on my side, but I rarely got that sweet spot.

Implementation of all these modes are great, I am just not skilled enough to use them all. In the preview videos I even see levels switching modes in the middle. 

Visuals are also really good btw, love the changing colors for every mode. Makes them stand out from eachother. Just a solid game!

I love card games! A thing I like to do with card games is go into them without any tutorials to see how fast the UI can teach me. Safe to say, Dual Destiny does this great! It's hard to come up with unique card game concepts, but this really delivers. Only thing I can compare it to is the Rivals Of Aether card game and that one minigame in skylanders giants.

The battles feel a bit weird, as the opponent doesn't really play cards but effects. Most of the things they do are similar to what the player can do, like flipping every card state on the board. It felt a bit weird when they did their own unique moves like swapping cards in your hand. Since the opponent makes random moves it didn't feel like playing against a person but more against fate itself. This didn't deter me though, but I just wanted to share this insight because I have a passion for these kinds of games.

Biggest compliment I can give for this game is that it left me wanting more. I even replayed the final battle a second time because I didn't want to leave just yet. The final battle theme was also a banger, so that helped. Really fun reference in the cards, really fun mechanics and just a really fun time all around. Great game!

Apparently I am really bad at keeping my marriage going...

What a game! Presentation is just amazing, it almost doesn't feel like a game and I'm really sitting there looking over my shoulder to see if someone is gonna come through the aisle.

I love multitasking in games! Having to juggle conversations while trying to always be prepared to get into airplane mode is really satisfying. I think you even lose some conversations if you don't respond in time.

The work part is really my cup of tea. Looking through the manual is really fun (it's really well made). Then combining that with keeping a relationship in the form of your wife really tops it (although I am really horrible at that part). Keeping track of everything is really fun.

Integrating controls into apps is such a good idea, with the options and help. Also the extra detail of the flashlight mode is really fun.

First playthrough I crashed the plane, but I already completed both "story missions" if you can call them that (wife and work). Second playthrough I completed both and didn't get my bar that full. This keeps the game from ending (unless there is an ending where you wait a few hours to land). This would be the only downside to this game.

All in all, great presentation, great gimmick. Ends the game while making me want more, which is always a good sign!

Presentation looks awesome! I love physics based puzzles and these shapes are really interesting. Really interested how all these different shapes would work in the puzzles.

Sadly, I cant say a lot about it because I couldn't get past level 3. Levels 1 and 2 were a good introduction to the game, with 1 teaching you the left mouse movement and 2 teaching the shape changing to get over the blocks (going line mode). The locations of the stars in level 2 already felt odd because I couldn't really get them.

After trying for a few minutes in level 3 I kind of gave up. I tried getting some upwards momentum by bouncing the ball every time it lands. This worked, but I was really inconsistent in this. There is a lot going on in every level.  At one point I thought I had to go to the bowling pin in level 3 to solve it.

If I used the mechanics wrong, please let me know! I would love to keep playing this game, but either my skill or my knowledge is keeping me from it. The presentation of this game is great and I really want to see what puzzles are next!

The start of this game is really cool! You start falling down, seeing some of the level and just when you land you get told what the controls are.

Lack of audio really hurts this game, mostly because of sound effects. The enemies in this game are really cool designed art and behaviour wise, but I didn't think they were enemies at first. I didn't notice getting hurt, but eventually I figured it out.

I found it hard to kill enemies in big mode because the jump is so low. Also I didn't notice I had to hit the enemies multiple times. (This is visualised in them getting a bit redder, but I didn't see this at the beginning). I eventually came to the strategy of going normal mode to jump and land on the in bigmode, which worked.

The powerup animation is SO COOL. It feels really professionally made. I never got tired of transforming, really great job on that. 

Figuring out where to go was hard at the start, but once I unlocked the small mode everything fell into place.

Xylophone was a really funny addition. This also made me notice that every mode is activated by the first letter of their name, which I thought was really funny. It helped me remember how to transform into them.

Permadeath hurts this game a lot. I died once somewhere after unlocking the xylophone and it was a bit of a drag to go all the way back. 

The donkey powerup is really fun and so well made. Animation looks really good!

I eventually made my way to the top right, where I could see arrows pointing to my entrance (which is probably my exit). I just couldn't reach this part, probably because I was missing a specific mode. I couldn't figure out the puzzle at the topleft with the big spike gap and eventually died. 

I feel really bad not finishing this game, because the anticipation to every new powerup is just so high. The game is a bit hard with especially tight jumps for the small mode sections. You really have to power through some sections.

I did really like the game. That metroidvania feel of going left and right with your new powers is always satisfying. The art is also amazing. Really sad there is no music or sfx, thats the biggest part I'm missing here.

This game really makes you feel like your going donkey mode.
This game is a delightful little platformer with some rough around the edges movement (movement is hard, I completely understand)

Starting the player in the barn is a good way to teach them the importance of the dash mechanic. I really like it when the boxes fly off, its a really nice animation.

The first time I saw the toad I laughed really hard that it was just the donkey but green (this is ofcourse in a good way). The toads jump is interesting to mix with the dash of the donkey. You actively have to think about the cooldown between the toad and donkey so you can pull off this more advanced mechanic.

I never really used the frogs tongue. Its not necessary to use in any level and the one time I used it I got stuck in a wall. I do think you tried really hard to make it work and I give you props for that.

All the levels had their own artstyle, which gives me motivation to keep going and explore the levels. Level 3 even began having a bit of a new mechanic in small platform parkour in the sky. You even had a secret exit in that level (I won't spoil it) which was fun to find.

The ending was also fun, reaches the big barn in the sky giving you some more unique architecture at the end of the game.

I didn't really mention it yet, but the controls feel really good and responsive to use. This is really the most important part of a platformer, you really nailed that part.

I now know how it feels to go donkey mode, thank you for this experience!

An action packed beginning to start the game of! Really nice to force you to know how to switch before you can start the game. The player now knows which button is the main mechanic of the game.

I do have to say I was a bit panicked at the start not really knowing what everything does. Just being shot at had me panicking and trying to fumble myself through the first stage. I did like this though, just straight into the action.

The second level has some buttons that spawn enemies. This level teaches you that the gun guys can be killed by the switch and the slimes cannot. Really liked this as an introduction to this main mechanic, although having some indication of where an enemy will spawn would help.

The one level where you have to race the slime was a fun idea!

The latter half of the game turned into what I only could describe as "The Worlds Hardest Game" (Not literally like it was hard, but a game that has that specific name. look it up if you want to). This part had a different playstyle and I did like this more. Had you thinking about when to switch with all these spike balls coming at you. The last level also had a branching path, which is a cool design choice!

If I can be a little rude, the cow noise was starting to wear me down (I cant imagine what playtesting was like). Maybe make it a bit less loud and you could also make the pitches differ everytime to get a mario coin like effect. It was really funny to hear the cow moo every time though.

All in all, short and sweet game that showcases a lot of different mechanics.

You are really doing yourself a disservice by not including all the controls in the description because this game is fun!

Just for people that want to play, either read this or experiment with the buttons!
Arrows: move
Z: jump (you have multiple jumps in your green mode, check the bar at the bottom left)
X: dash 

Wow this game controls great! The 3d movement works well and is really smooth. Figuring out the movement was a really fun progress because I felt like I kept unlocking more moves. The levels also really forced you to experiment. There was the one where you had to jump to the end without your green form. This jump is impossible unless you dash. This is how I figured out the mechanic.

When you are in the green mode, you are really powerful (having more jumps etc) but you balance that with restricting movement in certain area's with the green blocks, giving atleast some reason to switch back.

Visuals really remind me of mario 3d worlds look, which I love! Also, the music is a classified banger. Gives me a real sonic colors vibe.

Played it to the end and I really see potential in the mechanics. Would advice giving a bit more thought on tutorialisation (either with text or buttons showing on screen or making a really save area where you are forced to use mechanics to proceed).

From the moment the blow mechanic got introduced I knew this was a great game.

Clearly inspired from celeste, this game takes the mechanics further by giving you 360 degrees control. Having such different controls on the left and right mouse buttons makes it really fun to learn the mechanics. I had moments where I wanted to launch myself backwards with left click only to launch myself into spikes. I didn't think that it was the games fault, it really felt like just something fun to learn!

I almost felt bad that I was playing this whole game for free, because the gameplay just keeps going! And the level design is also really well made. There is a clear build up in every mechanic giving you time to learn. At one level I even skipped a part, a skip which was hard to pull of but very satisfying. I love this kind of level design that rewards skill.

Eventually I came to a fan section in level 6 where you fall down and have to activate 2 fans. This doesn't seem to work and I think its because of time restrictions. It didn't really matter because I already had like 10-15 minutes of fun gameplay, but this game just keeps you wanting to play more. I really wanted to see where the mechanics go next and if the challenges would get harder.

Btw, the last few screens I played had a really nice difficulty where I was challenged every screen, mostly with changing my mouse location from front to back, which was really fun.

Here's my game, minetris. Currently at 13 ratings. Would love some feedback!
