If you like story heavy, character based visual novels with room escape puzzles, my game might be worth a look?
It's called Fracture, it's a serious, linear VN that tells the story of 6 people who get trapped in an abandoned hospital, one which was built on top of a ley line and is met with tragedy after tragedy until it is eventually shut down for good. In 1985, 2 sisters pick their sick mother up from a long hospital stay. The sisters are 18 year old Sarah and 9 year old Carrie. On the day that their mum is due to return home, a fire mysteriously breaks out in Hopetown Hospital, and one of the girls is lost in the confusion. 24 years later, the player takes control of Nicholas Ellis, a man who once worked as a porter at Hopetown and has since become increasingly fixated on ley lines...
Nick is kidnapped and transported to the renamed "Carrie Upland Memorial Hospital," along with 5 other people, including the family of the missing, presumed dead, Carrie Upland. The player must solve puzzles to escape rooms, and ultimately, the mystery of the hospital fire, the kidnapping and each other.
In the full game, Players alternate between playing as Sarah and Nick. There will be 6 Chapters in total and the demo includes the prologue and all of Chapter 1. It also unlocks some extra content at the end from my tie in novel, Sarah's Journal.