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Did you also use the MetSys for the map?

I wouldn't bind speaking to NPCs on the same button as jump. I am someone who spams jump, and it made it very awkward to jump through the town :D

The size of the map was great, but I really struggled with those bats. They are rough. 

I also agree with what arachnid56 said below

Thank you for your feedback, it is appreciated indeed! We have uploaded important updates regarding Jump and Interact buttons, as well as enemies. We would be extremely grateful if you try the game again. Once you feel familiar with it, we encourage you to finish it 100% in less than 11 minutes. Please see my own post above explaining some details.

Just curious, where did you stop the first time in our game? And yes, we used MetSys indeed. Did you too?


I don't exactly remember where I stopped.

On the second try it felt way better already. But the bats are still a real problem. They move to close to you, so you cannot attack them anymore.

And yes, I also used MetSys.


Thank you again for your time again! We have done some more adjustment after your second try to make the bats easier.


my thoughts exactly