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(1 edit) (+4)(-17)

Hi guys, I wanted to share a little of what I think of NTR and I would like to get your thoughts on what I will say as well.

I see a lot of people have a lot of dislike for NTR. Personally, I don't mind the idea of it being included in the story, as long as it has a dramatic impact on the plot. 

What do I mean by this? Let's imagine that Asami tries to sneak into Saito's room by surprise in the night, but before she does, she manages to see throught the window Saito and Noriko doing stuff. Asami is very sad and angry about Saito's infidelity, so after some thought, she decides to go with one of the bullies and do things with him out of revenge. Later Saito finds out about this, generating anger in him. The whole group of friends finds out about this as well, and the relationship between Saito and Noriko. After this, it could begin an arc of "getting Asami back" or "disengaging from her completely", for example. This would have a dramatic impact on the story, generating interest in how it will develop further.

If the story were to move forward in this way, I wouldn't mind the inclusion of infidelity on Asami's part (considering that Saito has been unfaithful multiple times).

I like the story to awaken emotions in me, not necessarily positive ones.

What do you think? Maybe I have a misconception of NTR, idk.


Come on guys, don't just down vote me... I want to read your opinions and maybe then I can understand your point of view and even agree with you. :/

(1 edit) (+10)

If it were a togglable option, like at the beginning of the game you could click a slider to allow NTR or not. Then that would be fine because it appeals to everyone. That way the people that want it can get it, and the people that don't can avoid it. 

For me though, after the point it's discussed with everyone what he's doing (which was the previous update) it's no longer really cheating. Just a harem, not only is everyone aware of each other but they actively encourage MC to go see other people. It's like establishing rules in a relationship right? So that toggle option would basically be like saying, "hey that rule goes both ways." 

Yes while it would be fair for that to be the case without an option, these visual novels are 50% telling a story, and 50% experiencing a fantasy. Most people's fantasy of course is going to be able to sleep around with people they both admire and (if they're not horrible) then at least care about as well. While it's realistic to have a consequence to those actions, it could take away from the enjoyment. Since one of the best parts about harems are the fact there isn't a real consequence to having all those women (or men) around you loving you unconditionally. Add a consequence to that, and my fantasy becomes a little bit too real and might end up making me sad instead. 

So if the creator wanted to add something like that, I wouldn't mind... BUT only if it came in the form of a option, and not something forced for everyone, as for a lot of people (myself included) it would break my personal fantasy that I look for when I play a visual novel. 


don't worry my friend I upvote ;)

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Of course you do, you like NTR more then romance and only choose to make this game for money. OP youre a pathetic cuck, go to a therapist, and start building your confidence



Honestly, I agree with Golddlocs, that type of kink is not for everyone and I personally get infuriated seeing that kinda thing.


I don't mind ntr. But it's best being an option. When it's forced on the player that really sucks.