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Im very curious about mikkos route.  Played it and well,, i liked it but if my guts are correct, there wont be a happy ending for them ?


No there will be, if I recall correctly, but the whole route focuses on the idea of entropy and connection. The outcome of the relationship is wholly dependent on the amount of energy arvo puts in to fixing it. 

Right now we are in the rising action of the story heading towards the climax, so it only stands to reason that things arent the best. It's like puberty... It's gotta get worse before it can get better. 

We're on day 3 out of 7 and updates keep coming, of course there will be more. As long as there's financial support to the project, that is :p

What comes to the plot...


I have a feeling it will be about embracing change and living in the present. Their old relationship is finally dead, so they can figure each other out anew and get together as adults.

I'm making a bet we will see Mikko burning at least one of his stupid journals - his obsession with them makes them a perfect Chekhov's gun. He said he didn't bring any physical ones with him but he often lies with a straight face, so ;P

Also I am extremely curious to learn more about his relationship with Joonas. I'll go ahead and make another bet that it fell apart simply because Joonas wasn't Arvo. >:3


Nice theatre reference. I approve. 

are you sure about it being Day 3 out of 7? pretty sure it's 5 total, hence why Keo talks about being over 50% from time to time

Obviously Keo knows better, but isn't it said in the game the science camp is supposed to be a week long?


Thank you. Im looking forward to it :)