It's all good man. I genuinely appreciate the honest feedback. I'd obviously have liked it to be in a much better state than it is right now. It was a lot of mismanagement on my end and I take full responsibility for that. I'd overestimated the amount of work the game was going to take and underestimated some of the output of my collaborators which led to things being pushed back a lot. It's mostly my fault though since a lot of executive decisions should have been made way earlier during the jam and I ended up taking my sweet-ass-time with the level design, which led to uncertainty in the team and clogged the pipeline.
There are QOL improvements I'd like to implement by the next patch like better indicators for scene transitions, tutorial pop ups, and just changing some of the controls in general, but I definitely hear you. We're interested on working on the game some more. I'd love to implement the animations our animators worked on and the game properly art-ed.