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In theory, it shouldn't be possible for an enemy to capture while the lizard is attaching.

If the enemy approaches and the player is set "Is Busy", they can only stand and wait for you to stop being busy. You go Busy at the start of the lizard capture, then unBusy at the end. I have noticed that depending on GPU, sometimes things happen out of sequence. When the levels are generating and it says what it is doing, each message should play as that thing is done, but on faster GPUs it completes a later item in the chain before a previous one. I think this might be whats happening here, and it's going to unBusy before the camera can finish. Just in case I've also added a second delay at the end before switching off Busy.

I've moved the busy flags to the very first and very last thing in the lizard chain, so that might fix it, but I've been unable to get it to happen for me, so I can't test it.

I'll get a bugfix update out within a week. I can't do it straight away because there's some unfinished work that needs done first.

sorry for the extra work.

It's a bug, it needs fixed. If it's what I think it is, then it's something I never found in testing cos I didn't get the circumstances right.

Anyway, might as well list the other updates done today: 

  • Added check to stop crouched player walking off ledges
  • Improved currency
  • changed health/stamina stalls to cost money
  • Fix for market stalls, so you can only see their price labels when close to them, not from miles away
  • Fixed a small gap in the ground at the top of the main ramp in Pineridge
  • Added Buy and Sell functions with feedback if it is too expensive, to make shops easier
  • Added new stat to player to track where they are sleeping at night
  • Improvements to end of day into morning sequence, moving player from the bar to their purchased bed
  • Worked the purchasing stuff into the Inn, so buying rooms now has feedback if you can't afford the selected room
  • New dialog for Clive the Innkeeper for the morning, to stop player from repeatedly starting a new day
  • Secret dialog for Clive which currently cannot be accessed for if you spend the night with Clive