Lu: You're not the boss of me!
It's a fun game! A thing to think about in the future is how to tie the mechanics together better. The staff beats most enemies and has few interactions with mode switching. Like when you fight a rabbit on lower ground, and you wait for it to come close, then switch to retro mode to make it jump up into your line to fire, that's very cool, and it's a more dynamic way to use mode switching than just a timing requirement. Having more aspects of the game mesh with each other like that would have made it even better, I think.
One cool surprising example in this game is when you swap modes and this causes a wooden wall to destroy your wallspear, you immediately gain it back into your hand even if you're in the air.
Speaking of funny interactions:
Bug: if you swap modes just as the retro bug enemy is about to fire its projectile, the projectile stays in place with no movement speed applied. You die if you touch it like normal.
Bug?: Enemies that touch your wallspear still die.