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A member registered Oct 14, 2022

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(2 edits)
hell yea
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Seconding the opinions that it feels impossible to figure the rhythm out. Very cute art on the other hand.

But perhaps it's not in the spirit of jazz to be so adherent to a strict rhythm? Or maybe I am just bad at jazz.

oh and the soundtrack is a jam

Cute, good writing! I think it's a bit buggy (beyond the silverfish), sometimes dialogue choices double up, the journal I opened stayed on screen until I left the room, things like that. Maybe it has to do with clicking fast twice on things?

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I think it's just people not noticing that the small chips that come out of enemies also hurt you. And that they get stuck to you, and keep damaging you until you eat them.

Cool lil game. Is 2x the highest multiplier, or am I bad?


this was very fun, both the first time and when figuring out good routes for the fastest times, clicking things in the order it's easiest, making sure the order's right

it's VERY scary to hear the buzzing noise when you're having a good run lol

Do you do Keymailer/Steam Curators? I hear it recommended a lot. It's hit or miss ofc, but volume's everything

You could look up Jump King rage compilations and email all the streamers lmao

(1 edit)

Congratulations on the steam release!

You should bug streamers about it. Generate like 200 keys and spend a week throwing it at their emails. This is a cool streamer game.

I mean you probably have, lol

Lu: You're not the boss of me!

It's a fun game! A thing to think about in the future is how to tie the mechanics together better. The staff beats most enemies and has few interactions with mode switching. Like when you fight a rabbit on lower ground, and you wait for it to come close, then switch to retro mode to make it jump up into your line to fire, that's very cool, and it's a more dynamic way to use mode switching than just a timing requirement. Having more aspects of the game mesh with each other like that would have made it even better, I think.

One cool surprising example in this game is when you swap modes and this causes a wooden wall to destroy your wallspear, you immediately gain it back into your hand even if you're in the air.

Speaking of funny interactions:

Bug: if you swap modes just as the retro bug enemy is about to fire its projectile, the projectile stays in place with no movement speed applied. You die if you touch it like normal.

Bug?: Enemies that touch your wallspear still die.

(3 edits)


When you're standing on the boat, you can re-hook the fish you've already brought on board, but when you jump, your shots go through them. Is this intentional? (Kinda nice for getting a final big catch!)

Also downloadable version maybe possibly it would be cool please?

cool clever game

like actually

gj! etc!

Cute! Nice! I was wondering why Smoky's idle animation is staring into my soul.

I never figured out what the scratches on the fridge mean. Is it a reference to a fridge brand?

pretty fun actually w/ the momentum controls

thank for congrat

It's really good, I wish the UI was more clear about which levels let you save, and about how the buttons lock up in general.

very poofy birds, love them

Sometimes the birds spawn on the nest, you can't really collect them without triggering the end screen.

Seeks are good, I think you can even get the same candle twice a turn if you play it first.

btw there is a small bug with Spores in round 2, when they replicate in front of the Bad Eye, then get shot, and instead of spawning the gold in the empty place, they sometimes spawn it in their origin place that's already occupied by a Spore.

Another bug/trick is to burn the eye from just below the board, you can burn 1 card this way without taking damage. But you don't need that, you can clear the bad cards by winning the round. Just get enough candles.

Matt I found success

This was a cool game! The rain looks great. I only figured out you are meant to ascend by falling first after layer 3 or so. The enemies that woosh at you teach you that really well, you just naturally see how it works as you dodge them. It was fun to ascend normally before that, gaining height bit by bit, dodging only when necessary.

A small nice thing to have would have been a particle-based indication for timing your dips and pullups, to have something to go by besides the sound.

Enjoyed reading the behind the scenes!

Yeah catdog! This was pretty cool, the box physics are a bit wonky.

I like carrying the dog with the cat. :D

This was fun, player solidarity and the double jump made the latter parts a breeze!

I like the face Daisy makes when they spin.

Today I learned the true benefit to building reactors is reducing unemployment wherever you want.

Since this is now a bug thread: if you execute an action too fast, the animations never catch up to the actual changes to the variables. Example reproduction: Quickly place a reactor before the green energy indicator of the region can fill up during the mouse-over preview. Similar things happen with the money meter as well, repro: gain more money than you can have at one time, spend it before the meter fills up. The meter will appear higher than your actual money until something else causes the meter to change.

Not a bug: I was initially surprised that pumped storage hydropower only has an effect when you play it. This makes sense with how the game works, but with its connection to the high-capacity line mechanic I got confused. You could call the regions "currently connected" but that would unbalance the paragraph, so it's not worth it.

I've also finished the game with no high-capacity power lines. I thought that was funny. Fun challenge!

(1 edit)

Super cool game!

How about this: Q for inhale, E for exhale, 1-3 for abilities.

Bug (web build): With 4 combo slots, I was able to fill my queue with Inhale-Ball-Inhale-Exhale. Exhale went into the queue and stayed there, letting me exhale again, then I got the "Should not be able to queue attacks, the queue is full!" error message. (Nice error handling!)

I think it's either because of ball specifically, or because of the free turns you get sometimes that lets you quickly execute actions.

Bug: Firing two energy balls at the 2 health guy, when he is standing next to you, allows him to hit you even as he dies.


it's a whole new world of pogo possibilities, there's just not many places to do it

if you wanna make it harder add an extra bounce off the pipe after the squeeze

Sewer limbo


Not hard but unusual movement!

this one stumped me

This is easy, you can just thread the needle, so to speak.

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Yeah, it's a webgl optimization thing.

If you want one more challenge, you can probably do a reverse speedrun using this glitch :)

On purpose, let's just say I have experience with how stupid Webgl physics are lmao

Lol this shouldn't be allowed





Bug: dying after completing the game (you do this by facing downwards) puts you back in a semi-frozen main menu after the credits. You can enter the settings, but the background is frozen, and you can't start an adventure or enter the challenge menu. Tested on chrome.

Dunno where to post all these bugs, they clog up the comments.


fix your twitter link on Itch io, it says weekendwizardy when it's supposed to be hedgewizards

now I know your secret alias

(2 edits)

This sounds like a problem that wouldn't depend on any of that. Pretty much anything you do breaks the checkpoints in some way.

Here is repro for one version:

1) Start fresh in browser (chrome for example)

2) Play until you get the custom pogo, and chapter 2 & 3's checkpoints

3) Go back to the menu

Result: I don't know. Sometimes you don't have the custom pogo even if you got it, and you don't have checkpoint 3 or even 2.

Sometimes you get checkpoints 1, 2 and 4.

Sometimes you get all four.

rest in peace cool tree climbing level

I couldn't load it even when I was in the well iirc.

No, yeah you might be right, it might be my code. But it even screws up the adventure button lol

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Bug: if you try to play this challenge, the buttons that start the game break: 


It's not my code, it's the latest update.

I shoulda put the balloon on one of the peaks, but I didn't have the nerves lol

it's actually pretty fun!