So go to X and complain that people invent tags all day, instead of using predefined ones.
What is X and why should I complain about this site there?
Just because anyone can create their own tag does not mean that anyone will use them. These tags are not in the list of tags, they do not have descriptions, and therefore they will not be used by ordinary site users. They just don't know that such tags exist.
Regarding the language. The site has been translated into my language. Maybe you should learn my language?
It merely says, it is 3d games. Which does not give you any new information. You alread are browsing for games and you already have selected 3d.
And you still teach me the language? What is 3D anyway? Literally three dimensions. Is there a third dimension in flat visual novels? Did you study geometry at school?
With an open tagging system, you do not consult any descriptions.
So words are not important? I can attach any tags to my game, the most popular tags, to attract attention, and no one really cares if I blatantly lie? Great "open" tagging system. Why then do we need tags at all if when I search for something specific I don’t get it? If I choose “first-person”, then there may well be “second-person” and “third-person” games, and do you think this is completely normal?
And as said many times here: tags are chosen by the devs.
Are you saying that tags are added by developers? You are blatantly lying! If this is the case, then why are these tags not in the tag list? I checked all the pages!
Нет тегов 3DCG или 3D-игр. Их нет ни на одной странице. А раз их не существует, значит, ими мало кто будет пользоваться. И пользователи, и разработчики. Пока тег не будет официально присвоен, он будет менее популярен.