Hey! Is there a way to print this so it looks super good? I printed it out 2 per page flip on short side to make it a proper size, but this wide version isn't as aesthetically pleasing as a booklet version. If there's a guide or how-to so I can print it on really nice paper then I'd love to follow along.
So I ended up drawing up a little table with "Back/Front" to chart out the pages (32, 1, 2, 31, 30, 3, 4, 29...) so it would print into a foldable booklet using 2 pages per page, double sided and flip on short edge. The tricky part of this was that firefox (and/or chrome) didn't allow printing out of order, so I loaded the pdf as layers in gimp and rearranged them. Once it was printed up correctly on nice paper, I poked two holes in the middle fold with a widening needle to push embroidery thread through as a simple binding. If you want the adjusted pdf (it came out at 8-10mb, so it probably didn't optimize as well as the original which was 2mb) or a picture of the final project then let me know and let me know how to get it to you.