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Wow, cool short game, love what you did with it. The video game Harold is playing in the beginning is a really nice touch, lol the default game over screen for Harold's game. Your writing and story is done really well, Santa kicked my butt at first until I had to bring it, lol. "War on Christmas you say" I literally laughed out loud for that and the BB gun reference. I liked the moral of the story and it was a clever way to include social commentary without being preachy or "my side is right, your side is wrong". Battle was a little tough, but that could just be me as a large numbers don't work well with my limited brain capacity, ha. I like the shaking text to accentuate certain words but I feel it was bit over done.  Mapping and sprites are done well, puzzles were short and not too complicated,  game runs smooth, but what really stands out to me was the writing and dialogue. Very well put together game!

Thanks for giving it a go! Yeah I mostly wanted to make fun at how “war on christmas” can be taken multiple ways combined with the whole santa-is-based-on-odin theory. The battle unfortunately didn’t have time to get tuned properly, so I’m just glad it was beatable. :D


Update: Watching your video has shown me several gameplay bugs I somehow missed. (high accuracy abilities not working right, espresso not working at all, etc) Thanks for making that, I intend to fix those in an update soon. :)