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This already feels like a great foundation for a game! It's obviously an extremely early version so it feels a bit unfair to give any criticism, but I will say the gameplay loop and mechanics already feel quite addicting. It would make sense balance-wise for future weapons to have a capped fire rate, but damn if it isn't fun to butterfly click and decimate a single enemy - maybe an idea for a powerup or something? Of course the lewd stuff has a great style to it, even in this rough stage. When I first started "collecting" enemies, my eyes played tricks on me and I thought their poses were advancing as I picked up more of the same enemy, which could also be an idea for the future. Overall, I really love the base you've built here and can't wait to see where you take it!

im glad you liked this very early version so far :D

ive been feeling a little burnt out wiht this project recently, but i may update it soon, so watch out for that whenever it happens :)

and having the poses advance as you go on does sound like a very fun idea, will absolutely keep that in mind :)