Walkthrough 0.23
Capital Permit - you can get this quest by going to the capital and talking to the guard. You can get it by asking the baroness
Ownership Permit - you can get this quest by reading the sign at the entrance of the capital, by doing so you will get this quest. To complete this, you need to talk to the baroness; she will tell you to go to the Arbor and talk to the baron. In the Arbor go to the left and you will see the baron's mansion, get in there and talk to the secretary; she will let you talk to the baron and the baron will give you the permit.
Lydia's Quest - you can see her if you go to the desert, befriend her and complete her task so that you can get rewards
Red Sorceress Painting Quest - you can get this by talking to the merchant at the Arbor. I'm still looking on what to do here, i have a guess that the dog in the aristocrat Area is the key but I don't know how to make the butler chase the dog, (any help is needed if you know something; reply to me)