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Arc Luxus

A member registered Mar 10, 2023

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can you provide other link for android the pixel drain doesn't work and google drive already reached its limit while mega also has limit too

The problem is that the event "Far from home" last objective trigger cannot be enabled

I remember reporting it with a topic called save

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I suggest making the 2nd chap start have a trigger like talking to Susan since she will give the recom letter to the mc and that is the end of chap 1 so that we will no longer get stuck on chap 1 event. If possible, the quest cheat is very useful so bring it back the only problem in there is that it's not updated and looks like it just give a prompt that it is done or reset without changing the objectives

Cataclyzm community · Created a new topic Event trigger

The trigger on finishing chap 2 isn't working. I've already completed the whole chap 1 and it's still did not get triggered i also already used the world map and roam on it quite a bit but still not working. Also please bring back the quest cheat and improve it since it's one of the useful tool in the game whenever i get stucked(bugged/error)

Even the V29 still has save bug i can't save any of my files when my save counts reach 49. It looks like it has a 50 limit instead of 100+

Fix the saves and if you can fix the files too i can't see the save files here in android>data its just a file but no saves, i can't relocate my saves if this happen again

I just opened the game and my old saves got restored while my new saves got deleted even though i already wiped out all the data and i am still can't do saves(the old data can't save and even the new data cant save too) please fix this I can't play this if i keep repeating from the start of the game. Yesterday new saves took me quite a few hours of playing just to get back to my old saves and now I'm back to start again

I don't know if it's a bug but the saves dont work if it's 49 above(not the actual number but the count of saves) here in android. I already restart from the start(wiping out the entire data) and it still happened, so now i am currently using a duplicate for the 2nd Act of the game so that i can save it

Btw all the errors I'm getting are from the garden,

Then, what can i do to play it? Do i reinstall the joiplay or the files?

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I downloaded the file again(not the patch) and it still the same, this might be an error from the game itself

Btw this is on android

I already removed my saves incase it got corrupted, but i hope this will not affect my saves

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After downloading the new patch all functions have errors(going to menu, accessing saves, even the intro have error)

Overall its working pretty fine, the story i mean

Cataclyzm community · Created a new topic Save

There's a bug on android where i cant save my files

Cataclyzm community · Created a new topic Kaali

I don't know if this is a bug but ever since i updated the game. Kaali's flirt options are gone

Thank you!

Hey Dev, can you make restarting questlines in the tower work completely and not just the change the result? I need to change some of the choices I've made and i can't just restart the whole game just for it since I've already done many quests and I'm already at the end of the update. Thank you!

I don't know what's I've done wrong but i have already activated all of Carla's stats before the loop start but i still can't finish the first requirement for Carla's 5th corruption, it says i need to activate 3 or more for the first requirement to complete but i already have. Do i need to also do all of it within the loop? Like start from the first corruption till the 5th? If so i already done that but i still can't activate the first requirement since it's impossible to complete all corruption completely

What is the answer for lisa's puzzles? Or how can i get it?(I'm asking about in the main game not in the spinoff)

How to get lina 4 nerve?

There's a bug in android version where you can't visit the corruption status of Alex to activate the stat at the end of the loop

Many Thanks Jikei for solving the problem about the saves

Hey Jikei, there's a problem about the save files. I recently changed phone and my phone is currently at the latest version. Now when I tried to relocate my save files to my new phone I didn't saw the file for the game(com.mythic) at the android/data. Now I need to start again at the beginning because I can't relocate my save files, please fix this issue

This is pretty much I know, though I didn't put the part where you can get inside the underground cathedral chamber and the hidden path to the Arbor baron's house

Walkthrough 0.23

Capital Permit - you can get this quest by going to the capital and talking to the guard. You can get it by asking the baroness

Ownership Permit - you can get this quest by reading the sign at the entrance of the capital, by doing so you will get this quest. To complete this, you need to talk to the baroness; she will tell you to go to the Arbor and talk to the baron. In the Arbor go to the left and you will see the baron's mansion, get in there and talk to the secretary; she will let you talk to the baron and the baron will give you the permit.

Lydia's Quest - you can see her if you go to the desert, befriend her and complete her task so that you can get rewards

Red Sorceress Painting Quest - you can get this by talking to the merchant at the Arbor. I'm still looking on what to do here, i have a guess that the dog in the aristocrat Area is the key but I don't know how to make the butler chase the dog, (any help is needed if you know something; reply to me) 

Finish Chap 1

There are some quests that you can't reset or finish even if you use the Tower, some quests can't reset because the goal/objectives are done, while some are just buggy

I've just updated my game and I'm already stuck, where can I find the prisoners?

Hello Creator, i want to ask you. Where can i find my save files? I am currently switching phone and i want to transfer my save files to my new phone but I can't find the saves, though i found the file "com.breadmangames.demondeals" but when i open it; it is empty there are no saves nor anything perhaps it is not the real file so if you may, can you tell me where can i find the save files in android?

Hello Creator, i want to ask you. Where can i find my save files? I am currently switching phone and i want to transfer my save files to my new phone but I can't find the saves, though i found the file "com.cataclyzm" but when i open it; it is empty there are no saves nor anything perhaps it is not the real file so if you may, can you tell me where can i find the save files in android?

I guess it's a bug in android, it freezes the character only after i pull them the knight statues together and click them

In the secret dungeon where the king of human was buried there is a puzzle where you need to sword together the two knoght statue whenever i do that it bugs and freeze the character only

Cataclyzm community · Created a new topic Bath Quest

Is there a walkthrough on how to finish the bath house quest? The quest journal in android is not working

ohh, i found out that you can read the books that you've collected thanks for helping and btw the book of nutrition and health are in the chief's bed in swamp village, currently this is the first book that I've managed to found, of anyone know about the location of the rest please tell me

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As for the Slayer of Gatoraids, you just need to kill 10 Gatoraids all of them can be found on the swamp and 3 of them can only be killed if you accept the Elusive Husband Quest, because their area are only accesable when you accept that quest, you don't need to finish the Elusive Husband Quest, you can just ho straight to their area and kill them, i just discovered the Elusive Husband Quest on accident, anyway the reward for that is if you choose bargain in the choices when you first speak to the man at the entrance of the swamp village, he will offer her sister to you, but if you choose fight, well i don't know i immediately accept bargain, cuz y'know I don't want to do things for free, so find that one yourself, btw this quest took me quite some time because I can't read the Quest description on Quest journal, so I've been going back and forth whenever i saw that there are no Gatoraid in the whole swamp. Overall this game is good tho some scenes are not animated(hope they get animation soon, for better experience when doing the deed)i hope this game does not get abandoned and continue till the end, ty Dev for such a good game and hoping for the Chap 2 soon

There's another quest that's I've completed and it's in the swamp village to the Missing Oxen Village, there you need to find 4 Oxen, all of the Oxen are in the area of swamp village, so you don't need to go back to the swamp(i think, because this is how i managed to find all 4). In the Swamp Village if you go to the east you can go to another area there you can find the Oxen, there are 3 Oxen in the East Area and 1 of them needs you to fight Lia the Lizardwoman, you can either threaten her or give another item to her, if you fight her you will lose 25 relationship points but if you give another item to her you will gain 10 relationship points with her, the needed item for that is 10 meat so if you have 10 meat in your inventory you can give that to her or grind to get some, either way you will still get the Oxen after you're done with her, the last Oxen can be seen at the top of the Swamp Village, at the side of the Chief's House, after you get all Oxen, you can now have a way with Ababa the Woman (who requested the Quest to be done) as a reward

I've just finished the Slayers quest above, and here's what i did, you need to first accept the Elusive Husband quest in the village board of swamp village, then go to tajari? The girl with big bobas at the east, talk to her then go back to the entrance of the swamp the go east near the swamp entrance go to north of that area, there you can see a pole click that it will reveal that there's a rope tied in it, pull it then it will reveal a boat, there go to another area using that boat, after that you will find the husband doing some things to other younger woman, in there you will need to talk to the husband you have 2 choices there either accept the necklace or not if you reject it he will offer you another choices, either you get to have your way with the one he's just using or not if you reject it and report it to his wife you can have a way with his wife but you will not be able to have a way with the other girl. But if you accept and report it to his wife you can have a way with the young woman but you can't have a way with his wife

So i accepted another quest called Slayer of Gatoraid in whuch you can get it by talking to the man in front of the entrance, i managed to slay all of the gatoraid in the swamp but there's still one area in the swamp that I can't get into, the one in the west side below the way to the swamp village near the entrance of the swamp, i cant get into the second area of it. Can anybody tell me how to get there? The last gatoraid might be there

Cataclyzm community · Created a new topic Quests

There are some new quests that can't be found on walkthrough guides like the mixed bath quest in which you can get it to the old baroness, may i ask how to complete that quest? Since the quest log are all black screen, I can't see the informations of the quests