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Here is 2 thing that i found that should be change or rework

1.Cat form the special bar of fortune can't really be use that much because of how ultimate work because if they are normal ennemies they will die fast so you don't have time to set up the bar and if it a boss the ultimate bar reset so you can use ultimate to gain fortune.(i know that there is potion that restore some of the ultimate bar but i don't want to spam item)

2.Some healing spell are to op or don't make make any sense here a exemple Nana with human form and the hunter class has Bow support Friendly fire that heal for 75% of any ally that is in battle and grant them dodge all while luka has recovery elven healing circle that heal 30% of all allies hp and grant Armored ++ and lost it turn. it logic for luka to lost it turn because it heal every one and grant them a good defense buff but the other heal 75% and make the person that got heal dodge all attack. Also if you use only Nana it like a full heal most of the time because of how much it heal. (It just an exemple some healing spell are correct to not end your turn and some are healing too much or give too good buff for not end a turn)

1. The form certainly is more useful in longer or boss fight. The special tf equipment for the cat form does make it a litle bit more accessible. I already have an idea to make it more accecible so I will see to change it!

2. You're right it is a little bit op. I have set it down to 45% and also let it end the turn. And then see how that feels. If you noticed more, you are welcome to share them!

And as always tahnks for the feeback^^