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(3 edits) (+3)

I have never felt the need to really give my input on how I feel about a VN until now. This is probably, no, I'm almost certain, one of the most enjoyable VNs I have ever played. That is no exaggeration. The story is extremely enjoyable. There are just enough NSFW scenes to fit the genre but not too many where its overbearing and loses the focus of the story. THE STORY! I can't stress it enough. It really gives you the opportunity to really bond with each and every character. They all have their own story and you see how well they develop and how your relationship with them develops. It's not rushed and very thorough. The beautiful character designs, the attention to detail, the personalities, the expressions every character make in most conversations, the humor, in my opinion is perfectly executed. You can easily see just how much effort and attention you gave this one, Vertigo, you really outdid yourself. I am YEARNING for the next update. I am seriously addicted and need more. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience this fun journey that you have created. I will be following this one until the end!


Gosh dang it. Y'all keep one-upping each other with your comments. :D
Thank you so much, friend! Your comment is amazing! :)