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It seems that the apk can't be installed on android due to it being over 2GB in file size, is there a way for me to install it anyways? Or is the only option to switch to third party/windows?


I'm sure there are others, but I don't know of any at current. I'm currently looking into fixing this problem though.

use the apk plus extra file methord this overcomes its and no size limit

That's interesting, however - I don't know much about it so I'd have to research it.


Hio, I'v been trying to figure out how to fix this problem. From what iv found any apk over 2gb will fail due to some technological thing. The phones will simply stop the download. They ways to get around this is 

1. Make the files more compresses/ resize file to make them smaller/ remove files to make it smaller.

2. Use a file spliter that requires the app to be put together by another aplication when it's installing.  (Does not always work).

3. Make a smaller file and then have updates that can be installed over older versions.  Since an older smaller files is present the files almost always downloads it as an update.

4. Have an in App way to download more information into the app through the internet.

(1 edit) (+1)

I would like to do version 3. I'll try looking into creating / utilizing a game updater for mobile. Do you have any suggestions where I could get started in that regard?