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Highly disagree with your assessment of the game, which is purely subjective. 5,9/10, really? Did you even play the game? 

"Cenários, + ou - mas não deixa a desejar." - what do you mean by saying "nothing desired"? The game focuses on the narrative of a scientist creating a portal to the "Mesozoic Era" and accidently the dinosaurs come out and towards the end clearly conquer the earth. It is very opposite of what you said, because if the game had a continuation, it would showcase very deep and interesting story. 
"Não possui um objetivo, que torna o jogo em si um pouco entediante." - wrong. Throughout the gameplay you are giving multiple objectives and it keeps the game simple, yet wanting more from the gameplay and clearly focuses on the nuanced situation created. 
In the end, it is your biased opinion, but very far from the truth and specifically those 2 lines, which I focused on are just straight up false. The game is good and definitely deserves more appreciation.

Feel sorry for people, who asked you to "analyze" their games, because you are pretty bad at it. Trust me, I've done over thousands of reviews and yours is up there in the "bad" list for sure.
Good day.