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Well, they work on this game for free, while working on the game that ACTUALLY give them money to work on. So we should just be glad they found an artist who is kind enough to donate his art for this project OR that they have the spare money to invest in the project because Art is expensive especially good art, good music, etc. So I'm not complaining, I'm gladly gonna wait for months, even years as long as they keep updating the discord every now and then saying that they are working on it slowly or not. 

Just remember it's very, very hard to make a visual novel, and work on one for free, and give quality work like they are doing? We should be forever grateful. 


Yes, I have previously read the information on their page and I understand that the artists and the writers of this VN are volunteers. I'm extremely grateful that this VN has continued for such a long time. Though I never intended to incite the developers to "hurry up", I wanted to know if any progress has been made. I hope you understand. Good luck!!!

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they didnt do anything wrong by asking for a progress check. You wrote a condescending novel over literally nothing. You seem like a complete nightmare and no one cares that youre such a wet blanket, you would wait obediently for years without asking for a simple update and chastise people that do. As an artist myself, I would be embarrassed if someone tried to simp for me this hard. Get a life.


Hey dude, chill. I see where you're coming from, but there's a right way and a wrong way to provide feedback.

That said, I'm afraid the only update I can provide at the moment is I've managed to make quite a few changes to the back-end, and have completed the expansion of Kyouji and Soutarou's camping trip event (it was a bit lacking in the last update, and Lesli had actually written an event for that day, but it went unnoticed by all of us, oops!) All that we're waiting on for build 13 is for Kyouji's content to be coded in (the story itself is already fully written) and for any other sprite or CG updates. However, those are for Dzahn and Devilizer, and with both of them being busy, not to mention Dev being our sole artist at this current point in time, it's making it a bit difficult for them to find time.

I myself am eagerly awaiting the public release of build 13, because I'm not only keen to see what people think of the new content, but also because I actually have big plans. All I can say is that I appreciate everyone's patience.

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Hi! I can see where you're coming from, but it's a shame they're busy. As another fellow artist, I can completely relate to the schedule issues. Though, it's also nice to know this project hasn't been abandoned lol. Honestly, I haven't looked at it in a couple of months, so I forgot to check (T^T). Please, take your time for this VN, no rush!