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Merry Christmas!

There are two more things that I found.

1) When you put skill points in Buskfyr's strength upgrade and it evolves into Buskfyrael, the skill points are lost as the skill in that slot changes and the points are not returned to be usable nor stay in the new skill. This didn't happen to the other skill (ability) that changes when I observed it.

2) Speed's effects don't change with battle buffs/debuffs nor with items. So what happens is only base speed matters, but changing someone's speed does nothing.


Merry Christmas to you, too!

1) Oh, I totally forgot about the skills, when I was creating the new evolutions.

2) I can't believe I missed this.

Again, thank you for reporting the bugs! I will fix them as soon as possible. Let me know, if there is something else.


I just uploaded a new version (0.5.1) that fixes the 3 bugs, that you reported.

But sadly I can't give back Buskfyrael's lost skillpoints  :( 

(At least not at the moment)


One more thing is that Jorgle's Turtle move seems to be reducing way more damage than it's supposed to. Every attack deals around 10 damage mid game up to around 20 in late game.

Ok, something weird happened. I ignored a Warren encounter (the second one) and then arrived at the Sanctum and there's no Warren and I'm stuck there because I sat on the bench without thinking. Since I don't have winged boots yet, I can't get out LMAO.

(5 edits)

That was kind of intended. Warren will only appear at the Sanctum, after you talk to him in the upper garden. (maybe this was a bad idea)

But you should be able to walk back to the upper garden and talk to him, to fix this issue.

Maybe I should change this, so it is not possible to advance, without talking to him first.

Edit: Ahhh I think I know now what you mean. I didn't think of that! I will look into a fix for that.

I uploaded a fix for that (Version 0.5.2)

Please let me know, if this helped you get unstuck.

You should be reset to the Sanctum, when you start the game. Also Warren now should always be there, even if you didn't talk to him earlier.

It worked! Thanks and happy new year!


Great! Happy new year! :)